קהילת יהודי מרקש The Jewish community of Marrakech

The Jewish community of Marrakech La communauté juive de Marrakech الجالية اليهودية في مراكش

בית הכנסת 'בית-אל' גליז' מרקש
Morning prayer every day at 8:00
Minachh and evening prayers every day half an hour before sunset
Address: hotel el kabir/ center americ rue pacha

' Synagogue ' brother alazma Marrakech

Dawn Sunday through Friday 7:30 am

Welcome to strengthen this year, 500 count

Marrakech cemetery

Help us to continue renovation and renewal of the cemetery of Marrakech

Donations to the Marrakesh Cemetery account should be contacted

The righteous of Marrakesh and its surroundings

Morocco will invest 20 million dollars renovating the Jewish district in Marrakech

Morocco will invest 20 million dollars renovating the Jewish district in Marrakech

The renovation of the old Jewish neighborhood known as "Malach" will cost about $ 20 million, according to local reports. • Marrakesh currently has 200 Jews, most of them in the new city, and ten families in the old Jewish neighborhood.

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Au Maroc, la communauté musulmane juive et autour de la table du réunies ftour

Au Maroc, la communauté musulmane juive et autour de la table du réunies ftour

VIVRE ENSEMBLE - While the months of Ramadan are coming to an end, the movements of the three monotheistic religions are united in an action for solidarity. The Habad Loubavitch movement in Morocco, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFJC), and the Mimouna association organized a distribution of food parcels in Casablanca, Salé and Marrakech. Reportage.

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La communauté juive de Marrakech et célèbre la Fête du Trône Essaouira

La communauté juive de Marrakech et célèbre la Fête du Trône Essaouira

La communauté juive de Marrakech et jeudi à Essaouira a organisé, la place à Lakzadria à Bab Marrakech, une soirée Mellah artistique pour célébrer, dans la joie, le 18è anniversaire de l ' accession du Roi Mohammed VI au Trône de Ses Ancêtres.

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Ygdd ankhrath bhazb altgma gaki kadosh للأحرار weishid bedinamia akhnosh alotani

Ygdd ankhrath bhazb altgma gaki kadosh للأحرار weishid bedinamia akhnosh alotani

If you do not want to be able to get the most out of it, you will need to find out if you have any issues with it. وعبر كادوش في لقاء خص به مراكش بوست عن اعجابه بالدينامية الجديدة التي يعرفها حزب الحمامة منذ قدوم رئيسه الجديد عزيز اخنوش, من خلال اللقاءات الجهوية التي قادته لجميع جهات واقاليم المملكة, واستكمال هياكله التنظيمية بطريقة مسترسلة ومضبوطة.

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Alihodia altaeva tnzom eftara gmaaia balmgharb alihodi bemraksh balmabed + saor

Alihodia altaeva tnzom eftara gmaaia balmgharb alihodi bemraksh balmabed + saor

نظمت الطائفة اليهودية بالمغرب إفطارا جماعيا لفائدة المسلمين بالمعبد اليهودي بمراكش جليز, وقد حضر هذا الإفطار الجماعي الجمعوي السيد عبد الفتاح البجيوي والي جهة مراكش آسفي, والسيد العلوى سعيد والي الامن, ورئيس المجلس البلدي للقصبة وشخصيات اخرى من وزارة الاوقاف, إضافة الى أعضاء المناظرة الإقليمية للمجتمع المدني وفعاليات أخرى من بينها جمعية ميمونة العالمية, ويدخل هذا الافطار الجماعي الذي نظمته الطائفة اليهودية بالمغرب تحت شعار "رمضان كريم" في خانة تعايش الاديان التي يوصي بها ديننا الحنيف, كما اقيمت صلاة العشاء داخل المعبد اليهودي في سابقة طيبة لتكريس العنوان الحقيقي للسلام و تعايش The server or the server will not be able to connect to the server if it is not supported by the server.

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Atonement: in France preparing for Yom Kippur

Atonement: in France preparing for Yom Kippur

A prayer for the peace of the king in Marrakesh, an expectation of the coming of the Crown Prince for prayers in Casablanca, the opening of additional prayer halls due to lack of space, "atonement" for roosters - and a feature among Muslim merchants, towards a lively trade in etrogs. Did anyone say a dying community? Israel Bardugo is documenting the holidays in Morocco these days - in vivid colors

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The Israeli commune in the heart of the desert of Morocco has no cars and no internet, everyone sleeps with everyone, and when they get up in the morning they pray and then go to graze the sheep and produce olive oil. The vision of the founder, the wanted criminal Gabi Ben Harush: to restore the old crown in a region where tens of thousands of Jews used to live. "The Israeli establishment has spoiled the Moroccan Jews," the residents say, "We will live everything again. Thousands will live here."

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Returning resident-• 04.12.2016

Returning resident-• 04.12.2016

The scratch has him 18 years and now is fulfilling her: at age 34, of Dimona Kobe bloom lived for a year in Marrakesh, and founded one of the oldest synagogues from the history museum community.

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The burial places of Morocco travel: "it gives me a lot of strength."

The burial places of Morocco travel: "it gives me a lot of strength."

Mia Aidan joined a group of women on a trip to Morocco, where travelers visited sites of Jewish tradition and tombs of the righteous. The journey is led by Rebbetzin Ronit Barash, with Israelis looking to travel and spend time, but also to connect to their roots

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Champ loses championship Judoka, but manages to visit active synagogue in Marrakesh last

Champ loses championship Judoka, but manages to visit active synagogue in Marrakesh last

Despite losing in World Judo Championship Openweight, the Olympic judo medalist has a meaningful experience, as he arrives with his coach to pray at the last remaining active synagogue in the Moroccan hub.

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Judaism goes back to Marrakesh and the Jews

Judaism goes back to Marrakesh and the Jews

Only about a hundred Jews remain in Marrakech, most of them very old - but something has happened there in the last two years: the king's decision to renovate the saltworks - the ancient Jewish quarter - and give it back its name, has led to a wave of tourism, and Moroccans return to visit it: I have never seen so many Jews here. "

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